仮面ライダービルド アームドドリル

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DikamenComm : Kamen Rider Build Armed Drill
Owner : Mr_Mikequius on x


Desire Grand Prix : All-Star Event!. Presenting Special Guest Rider from each Universe. Enter the Genius Physician..Kamen Rider Build! Ultilizing the Sentient Buckles that chooses their own user just like Boost Buckle, Created from the Formula of his own trademark Fullbottle : Rabbit and Tank Buckle!! What will his desire be? is it an Universe where Science rule? Let's find out!

Obtaining the smaller buckle, Armed Drill. Kamen Rider Build pierce thru Enemy Rider Easily as the Drill itself have the same vibe as Drill Crusher on his original universe! Thus, making it still a effective form to defeat enemy! For finisher, Build summons spiral formula to trap enemy then pierce thru them spinning shattering it like rockmine!

"Doriru? Saiyaku da!"

#仮面ライダーガヴ #仮面ライダーギーツ #仮面ライダービルド #仮面ライダー #オリジナル仮面ライダー
#DGP不正参加 #デザイアグランプリ #オリジナルレイズバックル #仮面ライダーイラスト #ラビット
#ドリル #アームドドリル #武装 #kamenridergavv #kamenridergeats
#kamenriderbuild #characterdesign #originalcharacter #commission #desiregrandprix
#kamenridergeatsoc #rabbit #drillcrusher #tacticaldrill #tactical
#armeddrill #miner

#Kamen Rider Build#Kamen Rider Geats#DGP不正参加#Desire Grand Prix#commission#rabbit#アームドドリル#drill#kamen rider#original form

2024-09-24 14:25:56 +0000