Hi everybody! AF here with a small assortment of drawings I made in September and a couple holdovers from last month I haven't yet posted. Summer is on its way out and we are greeted with fall. Maybe now, the temperatures will start to drop and you can enjoy all that pumpkin spice flavored goodness in your favorite foods.
Even though Dark Mamba is currently on the backburner, I've been working on a special comic featuring the undead DM operative Olivia which will debut on October 14th. Keep an eye out for it! So without further ado, here's a rather modest haul for this month:
1 - AF-tan looking upon the city skyline at night.
2 - AF-tan sitting in a large pile of coins. Can you believe she found them?
3 - Portrait of Jezebel, the Dark Mamba nurse.
4 - Portrait of Olivia the undead lady.
Spirit Squad R: https://www.pixiv.net/user/522994/series/209629
Dark Mamba: https://www.pixiv.net/user/522994/series/104646
Commissions are closed for the time being, but they will be reopen some time in October with new pricing information. Stay tuned.
Catch you folks later! Have a good one!
2024-09-24 10:52:01 +0000