Vollendetes Rendezvous

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***Please note that this work refers to 《かつて魔法少女と悪は敌対していた。》***
This is an illustration for my personal novel Spur der Glühend: Extra Chapter - Dreißig Jahre später

Hildegard Burmester x Michael Wittmann

Shortly after being commissioned an officer in the Waffen-SS, Michael Wittmann was to meet his future wife, Hildegard Burmester, for the first time. Wittmann and his fellow officers were having a small party at a nearby restaurant near Bad Tölz. Fräulein Burmester was a waitress at this establishment and was attracted to this very young officer. After their first meeting, they started seeing each other and writing letters once Wittmann was posted to Paderborn and Ploermel.

#German Army#WW2#Military#guy#military#LOVE#couple#girl#World War II#Waffen-SS

2024-09-23 07:25:50 +0000