The military are also musicians


That's right... Military men are musicians!!!...
In his youth, Justiniano was an active duty sergeant who joined the army thanks to his father, who was also a soldier, but he made the drastic decision to change units. Initially he joined the artillery command in the city of Paraguari, but he didn't like weapons very much, even though he is skilled with them. He liked music since he was little, supported by his late mother and Loly, his sister..

Here is the story that tells of this decision:
Correct decisions - Decisiones correctas (

Justí always grabbed some musical instrument within his reach and went with the excuse of cleaning it or tuning it, which was a white lie, he went and practiced with it until he mastered it, and he even went with a friend to do a duet with his favorite songs...

Tell me: what musical instrument would you like to play? And if so, what kind of music do you know?


2024-09-22 17:28:37 +0000