The Fate Of All Spies!


Phantom circled her slowly, inspecting her bound form with a sense of satisfaction. "I wonder if you’ll be good enough to join my elite ranks of hypno-helpers," she mused, tilting her head as if pondering Diana’s fate. "I do wonder... but first, there's a lot of interrogating to do."

Diana growled behind her gag, pulling against her restraints with renewed effort. "MNgghg... MMGNGGH!" she tried to protest, to fight back, but it was useless. The straps held her tightly, teasing her with their unbreakable grip. The latex suit squeaked against the bonds as she struggled, and it gave no succor or release - just a reminder that she. was. trapped. 

Phantom chuckled darkly, her gloved fingers caressing the edge of the drone mask in her hand. "Ahh... so you don't think you can be my rubber spy?"

Diana’s eyes blazed with defiance, her body shaking in the chair. "MNGGGH!" Her protests grew more desperate, but the heavy gag stifled her cries. The captor leaned in close, her lips brushing against Diana’s ear.

"Oh, you want to skip the interrogation? Well... that can be arranged." Her voice was a poisoned apple, a predator playing with her prey.

"Breathe deep, spy... I can’t wait to play with you."

Diana’s heart pounded in her chest as she felt the mask being lowered over her face. The edges pressed against her skin, sealing her inside a new layer of rubber confinement. Her breaths came in short gasps, now fully controlled by the apparatus Phantom had placed over her mouth and nose.

Her world narrowed to the suffocating feel of latex, the intoxicating scent of rubber filling her lungs as the mask sealed tightly. The straps dug into her skin, tighter now, as if knowing their victory was imminent. Phantom’s laugh echoed in the background, but to Diana, the sound seemed distant. All that remained was the tight, inescapable rubber, the sensation of being molded into Phantom’s latest toy.

There was no escape now.


Art by VanessaRubberArt

Diana belongs to dylsonic
pixiv: user/34487640


2024-09-21 19:05:25 +0000