I heard the third season is coming out in October, so I made this scene card casually... BTW, Rem, could you please stop sleeping?
Hair, body, and color were adjusted to my liking based on references from an anime! Since the card I released is the Chika version, please look for other awesome KK creater's work to replace.
The last one is a scene card.
10月に第3シーズンが放送されるって聞いたので、なんとなくこのシーンカードを作ってみました... それにしても、レム、もう寝ないでくれないかな?
個人的努力でKoikatu Scene関連の作品を制作し、また日本語の学習にも努力しています。現在Ren'Pyを勉強中で、近い将来にはオリジナルのマイクロビジュアルノベルを発表できるように頑張っています。私の作品が世界平和を促進できればと願っています。
A koikatu (コイカツ) scene creator. Thank you to the mod creators.I hope my work can promote world peace. I am currently learning Ren'Py, and I hope to release an original micro visual novel in the near future.
I appreciate you like my works...
Your offer to buy me a coffee motivates me even more to work hard on creating and sharing great scene cards. Thank you for your support!
2024-09-20 13:51:23 +0000