Sergeant Ellen Reaver

Cyclone Sama
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Ellen "Ellie" Reaver, Sergeant of the EC Marine Corps watching over the Eclipso Corporation Expedition on a Mysterious Moon known as "Black Eye" that was discovered in the year 2666.
Having to leave her Lover Kyle Connor back on Earth and Big Dog Max Ellen has a big responsibility in her Squad in protecting the Crew who are overlooking and managing the Expedition there on the EC Moses, a Large Mining Mothership watching over the EC Bases on there.

Currently Ellen and her Squad are doing their usual duties in making sure they aren't attack by Space Pirates or Illegal Poachers while putting the Researchers Safety above themselves, especially after they discover an odd artefact they try taking, not knowing the Hell that would be released on them all.
Releasing the "Darkwalkers" from their Eternal Slumber and Imprisonment the EC is taken over and many are slaughtered or turned into malformed beast with the Marine Corps killed 1 by 1 leaving Ellen as the last Marine not killed or turned, barely managing to survive the monsters.

Alone, injured with days passing while food and water supply is running low, Ellen has little choice but to eat the remains of her beasts she has killed to survive, which gives her a side effect, oxygen running low, Ellen must make it back home by whatever means possible, Kyle and Max are waiting for her.


2024-09-18 14:47:56 +0000