The parents of the Lyokowarriors were formerly Waldo Schaeffer's collaborators at the time when he built the supercomputer, the scanners and the control interface in the decommissioned factory, but had the memory erased by the memory-torn machine shortly before the scientist and his daughter left for Lyoko on June 6, 1994.
Having learned from the physics/chemistry teacher, Mrs. Hertz, that the parents of the heroes were involved in the work of Waldo (who was a friend of this one and his wife Anthea) and that the real surname of Suzanne Hertz is actually Steinback, formerly major in the CIA specializing in explosives, it was decided to restore their memory so that they could contribute in the battle against Green Phoenix.
After being taken prisoner by the terrorists, they were released by Florence Belpois and Marguerite Della Robbia and then prepare to fight an epic battle against these assassins by arming themselves to the teeth in order to leave them no chance, they know that they will probably stay there but nothing will stop them.
2024-09-17 21:44:54 +0000