

○○ 「良い所だね、コスモスが綺麗に月の明かりに映えている」^^
黒猫 「うん!ネットで見つけたんだ、○○綺麗なところでお月見したいって言ってたよね!?」^^
○○ 「またパソコンいじったのか、仕方ないなぁ」^^
黒猫 「早く一緒にお団子食べよう!ぼく少しなら食べられるよ!」^^
○○ 「そうか、さっそく団子食べるか」^^

Cosmos, full moon and black cat

○○: "It's a nice place, the cosmos are shining beautifully in the moonlight" ^^
Black Cat: "Yeah! I found you on the internet, ○○ said you wanted to watch the moon in a beautiful place, right!?" ^^
○○: "Oh, you messed around with the computer again, I can't help it" ^^
Black Cat: "Let's eat some dumplings together quickly! I can eat a little!" ^^
○○: "I see, let's eat some dumplings right away" ^^

AI-Generated #pixiv Today's Theme#cosmos#〇〇#kuroneko#fantasy#moon#flower

2024-09-14 02:30:37 +0000