Robot Maid - She's jealous!?

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"Anna?" I poked my head in the living room. She was sulking on the couch. A few months ago that would have surprised me, but over time it became incredibly obvious she did possess real emotions. She got excited, she pouted, she hid her face during intimate moments on TV programs, she got angry if I was late home.

And now she was sulking.

"I do not know why Master feels the need to invite that girl over. She will only criticize Anna's housekeeping." Ah. That's what it was. Anna was also very concerned about how others regarded her housekeeping.

"Well, then we'll work extra hard so she doesn't have anything to complain about?" I offered. She crossed her arms and harrumphed in the cutest way, then sighed.

"Fine, Master, Anna will begin dinner..."

The door suddenly banged open and a young woman burst in all smiles.

"Haaiii! Where is sh...OMG SHE'S ADORABLE!" She rushed by me and glommed ahold of Anna, who was incredibly unamused. "You're Anna, right!? You're so cute! He's not making you do dirty things, right? You tell him 'no' if tries to! OMG YOU'RE SO CYUUTE!" She rambled on for awhile.

I coughed. "Anna, this is Emily. She can be a bit overbearing but she's actually very nice." Emily shot me a look. "Could you maybe not make me out to be a villain?"

Emily laughed. "Come on," she took Anna's hand, ignoring me. "Show me how to make something good! He said you're the best cook ever!"

Dinner was a mix of fantastic and okay. I knew better than to comment, and honestly, after they had come back from the kitchen I didn't want to. That short interaction had put Anna in a better mood. She looked a bit puzzled as we ate. "You are like him. You do not treat me like an object..."

"Because you aren't." Emily said between bites. "Whoever says otherwise I'll beat the snot out of." Anna looked startled. "What? You're family now and family takes care of each other."


"Well yea. And we'll be seeing a lot more of each other so if you ever need help let me know!" Anna looked a bit shocked.

"I will be in the living room if Master and his guest requires further assistance..." The she hurried out. I looked puzzled. Emily grinned.

After Emily had left, I cautiously sat next to Anna, who was staring blankly ahead.

"Everything okay?" She turned, pouting.

"That woman is going to be here a lot?" I nodded. "She is pretty and tall and...Master...loves that woman..."

I blinked then laughed. She looked angrily at me. "I'm sorry...Yea, I do. She's my sister, after all."

This time Anna blinked, and her eyes widened. She ran from the room and came back with my phone, pressing it into my hands.

"Call her, please." I dialed and handed it back. Anna listened and then... "I didn't get to say goodbye...Big Sis..."

I swear I could hear her 'KYAAAA!!!' from across the city.

Note: Trying a few new styles. Messed up on the shared scenes. Not sure I want to keep this art style. Didn't turn out how I wanted really.

AI-Generated #cute#robotgirl#girl#Robot#originalcharacter

2024-09-09 05:11:48 +0000