Gwen x Peni: Video chatting


Peni excitedly waited until her console started ringing, and she instantly picked up. At last, she was graced with the sight of Gwen on her screen, and she was already elated. “Gwen!”

The other girl beamed with just as much energy. “Hey, Peni. What’s up?”

“Ugh, I’m tired but I can’t really sleep. What about you?”

“Same. Why can’t you sleep?”

“…Can you first tell me why you can’t sleep?”

“Hmm… I’ll tell you—if you tell me why you can’t sleep.”

Peni groaned, though Gwen seemed amusement. In their defence, both girls were quite embarrassed to admit the reason for their sleeping struggles, especially when it sounds like desire. But Peni, albeit flushed and shy, eventually answered in a murmur. “Cuz… you’re not here.”

Hearing that made Gwen feel warm and happy. “Aww, Peni…”

“Now will you tell me your reason?!” the smaller girl demanded with a very rosy face.

Gwen grinned at the smaller girl’s cuteness and was happy to answer. “Sure. To be honest, same here. Couldn’t sleep without you either. …I miss you.”

Peni’s face got even redder, but this time out of joy. She beamed and wasn’t as embarrassed anymore. “I miss you too! I feel so lonely when you’re away, and this bed feels so cold and empty now.”

“At least you’re in a bed. I’m trying to sleep here on this chair, and it’s uncomfortable as hell.”

“Hehe, I guess, but we’re both still having trouble. The bed’s just not comfortable without you.”

“Seriously, stop. You’re gonna make me come back for real.”

“I missed the part where that’s my problem.” Peni said before she started talking in a teasing and tempting tone. “The bed’s soft and fluffy, and there’s a thick blanket you can wrap yourself in. And of course, I’ll be in it~.”

“Maybe I should just hang up so I don’t feel tempted anymore.”

“No, don’t! I’ll stop!” she did a 180 and begged, making Gwen laugh. “…Hey, Gwen?”


“You really can’t sleep? I’m kinda worried.”

“It’s fine. I’ve felt worse while facing tougher shit and made it out just fine. Besides, I still got your candy to help wake me up. What about you?”

“Well, you’re not really here… but I can see you and talk to you, so… maybe if we keep the call on and try sleeping like this, we can sleep better?”

“Oh, I didn’t think of that. Sure, let’s try that.”

“Great.” Peni smiled and set up the console to stand in front of her on the bed. It also gave a better view of herself laying. She thought of holding Gwen’s hand, but then she realised the girl wasn’t even here. It’s just for now, she told herself.

Peni yawned. “Night, Gwen.”

Gwen was amused at how she treats the sunrise as if it was still nighttime. “Night, Peni.”

They’d imagine being in front of each other on the bed, holding hands, although the handholding soon changed to them holding each other’s body close instead. Eventually, their eyes managed to close and stay closed. They might not be next to each other, but at least for now, they’re able to see and talk to one another, and be there for each other.


2024-09-06 03:19:15 +0000