Todos somos el Regalo de la Madre Eterna.
Ella entregó el Arte. La Vida. La Existencia. Sinónimos.
No existe el Tiempo.
¿Significa que nunca tuvimos oportunidad de acabar lo que queríamos hacer?
No. Significa que en realidad, siempre estuvimos haciendo lo que queríamos estar haciendo con esta Vida que se nos entregó.
Dijo ella: "Juega a ser una persona. Como tu desees. Eventualmente vendrá la Inevitabilidad a devorarlo todo. Incluso a mi. Lo hace para que pueda seguir existiendo la Vida.
Tu crea, tu vive, haz papalote de tus nalgas. Danza o destruye tus neuronas. Al Final, todo se volverá Principio. Recuerda cosas, porque las olvidarás. Olvida cosas, porque en realidad las estás recordando para siempre."
Tomaste el Arte en tus benditas manos, y ella continuó danzando.
En efecto, recordaste todo esto. Así ha sido desde que comenzó todo.
Empezó muriendo y acabará naciendo. Crear o destruir. Moverse o quedarse quieto por eones. Todos los conceptos y formas de Existir son ingredientes que la Inevitabilidad consume gozosa.
El orden de la Entropía. El Caos quieto.
We are all the Gift of the Eternal Mother.
She gave us Art. Life. Existence. Synonyms.
Time does not exist.
Does this mean we never had the chance to finish what we wanted to do?
No. It means that in reality, we were always doing what we wanted to be doing with the Life that was given to us.
She said: "Play being a person. As you wish. Eventually, Inevitability will come to devour everything. Even me. It does this so that Life can continue to exist. You create, you live, make a kite out of your ass. Dance or destroy your neurons. In the End, everything will become a Beginning. Remember things, because you will forget them. Forget things, because in reality, you are remembering them forever."
You took the Art into your blessed hands, and she continued dancing. Indeed, you remembered all of this.
It has been this way since everything began. It started by dying and will end by being born. Create or destroy. Move or stay still for eons. All concepts and forms of Existence are ingredients that Inevitability joyfully consumes.
The order of Entropy. The quiet Chaos.
2024-09-02 17:40:41 +0000