Scrapwolves - Fencer

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last piece for August.

Lore: In the Eastern cold, snowy coast of Russia, there is a derelict Flying Carrier. beneath it lies a huge Doomsday Bunker, used by the Russian Government during the 1st Invasion of Hell. now, it has become a base to Russia's infamous Group called "Scrap Wolves". previously known as Codename "Volkolak" during the 1st Invasion, this group consists of Bounty Hunters & arms Smugglers. Their known members & weapon smuggling come from few nations in South America, China, & borders of Eastern Europe which include the Czech Republic and. even the Russian Army itself.

but how they came to be? before the Soviet falls, a small unkown group of Spetsnaz had rebelled against the Red Army's order for an unknown reason, and from there they were disgraced and expelled from the Army. after the fall this group. numerous report from the Russian Army indicates while fighting the war for the nation's call that they found their enemy's small arms were dismantled. but soon enough Volkolak reveal themselves in a new face to them. That is until Adrian Colburn exposes one Insider of the Hydra Covenant that has placed its parasite in the middle-ups of the Russian Government. this brings disappointment to Volkolak that they reveal themselves as the reason to be exiled by Soviets which leads to distrust against any world government. After full government reform they have lost trust to both Russia and Westworld. nothing to trust anymore, other than a clean money. but they finally found one, when they heard a group of vengeful witch-hunting Samurais from Japan promise money cleaner than any other paychecks made by humans: a dead witch. ever since they live with a bounty from witch hunting and smuggling weapons from their list of countries (Again), but this time with their last purpose and a new name: rental hunters known as Scrapwolves

Unit Info:
Police, town guard, you name it. even amongst social security in Russia, they still provide a helping hand when Scrapwolves are on the hunt to seek the trail of the Devil's cash, turning forbidden profit into their master's own demise. as a Fencer, they may not be as good as Academy, or Ogre Club but their shield is undeniable as SCOURGE and the Sacred hand.

Creator's note: about's kinda hard to imagine how their swordsman look like for a bunch of bounty hunter + smuggler guilds. so I took their hat first for their inspiration, before going to their torso and leg, which...pretty basic.

so yeah...that's all for August. I'm running out of ideas right now. might start doing more sketches while now redoing Racer OCs. thank you all for following me until this piece. see you next time!

#original#SF#character design#military#character reference sheet#FPS#practice#longsword#shield

2024-09-01 14:11:37 +0000