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Evil lies in the darkness...

He is known by many names; The Father of Murder. Satan. The Devil. Chernabog. Angra Mainyu. Croatoan. Enma Daio, and many others. He is the strongest vampire to ever exist, and the absolute ruler of Hell, master of all demons and darkness. The mightiest monsters and demons bow down to him. Feared by both gods and mortals alike far and wide, he is Cain, the half-breed son of Eve and the Ancient Serpent, the first man to commit the sin of murder, and the greatest enemy of all forces of good.

Cain, the Father of Murder, the First Killer, the first person to have ever taken another being's life. Punished by God for killing his half-brother Abel, the brother favored and blessed by the Lord, Cain was cursed to become the first of his kind, a Vampire. An undead demon that would subsist on blood, the crimson liquid he had spilled upon the Earth when he had killed Abel. Refusing to repent from his crimes, Cain fell further into sin, spreading his seed into a thousand forms of evil, spreading his influence and corruption far and wide. From him, came the beings we today know as vampires, alongside other monsters.

In an effort to wipe away his evil from the Earth, the Almighty unleashed the Deluge, of which Cain was the only survivor. Seeing all his entire brood and empire destroyed, Cain declared himself the enemy of God, and began his war against the Lord and His Angels, a war that rages on to this day.

In the modern day, the Illuminati shall resurrect Cain once again, and unleash the Hordes of Hell upon the world. Cain will not stop, until he has conquered and remade the entire Universe to his image, a living Hell where monsters and beings of darkness reign supreme.

Go on here to see his full information:


2024-08-25 20:23:01 +0000