Space Cartoon: AZM Queen Mansion

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I've finished another new milestone for my Cartoon.
I've designed and built from scratch a Mansion in the Amazon Forest!

My past portfolio was full of realistic Architecture examples, but this is now the first time I get to apply my experience and make it stylized. So I'm really happy.

And as for the story, the size and scale of this building definitely implies it's for a very important Character I have planned. The Mansion serves as the headquarters and residence of the local towns Queen.

There's also a good reason for the Mansion also being surrounded by very tall gates. The Queen invites and takes care of a lot of Animals from the nearby jungle. And that includes everything from fish to even the powerful Jaguar. I'll have more details about her role and her love for nature soon.

Bonus: Here's a translation of the billboards at the front:

Portuguese: ATENÇÃO! Esta área é guardada por Jaguares famintos. VOCÊ FOI AVISADO!

English: Attention! This area is being guarded by very hungry Jaguars. You have been warned!


2024-08-23 12:43:40 +0000