Nachfolger des Schicksals

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An IF·IF line inspired by a dream.

"Vorbestimmte Ereignisse werden immer eintreten, und der Auserwählte wird an seinen rechtmäßigen Platz zurückkehren."
"Fated events will always come to pass, and the chosen one will return to his rightful place."

Years later, while holding the emergency telegram still reeked of pungent ink, CINCENT Generalleutnant Helmut Wendorff, would recall that distant afternoon when he received the devastating news about his dear friend.
The oppressive heat could never dispel the shadows that loomed over Normandy. It was the darkest day in the history of Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101...
On August 8, 1944, acting battalion commander Michael Wittmann of Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101 was severely wounded in battle. Before losing consciousness at the aid station, Wittmann ordered Wendorff to take over as acting battalion commander.
From August 9 to early September, under Wendorff's command, the remnants of Schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 101, having lost all of their Tiger tanks, ultimately succeeded in escaping the Falaise Pocket and regrouped in Düren, Germany.

#German Army#WW2#Military#guy#military#Waffen-SS#waffenss#military uniform#IF

2024-08-22 09:32:20 +0000