It's over...

Blue Axolotl

Hello everyone,

As some of you witnessed it the past hours, none of the content sold by Blue Axolotl Editions is available on Gumroad anymore (be it Misuke-Sensei's doujins or even my games.) Everything got marked as unpublished during the night and it's definitely a soft ban from the platform (I say "soft" because my account hasn't been deleted.)

So unfortunately, it's not possible for Blue Axolotl Edition to sell its content on Gumroad anymore.

That being said, it doesn't mean we'll stop doing what we do. We'll try to find another way to set up a shop. But please keep in mind that selling adult content online is becoming harder and harder (especially when dealing with topics like the ones we're editing) so it's probably going to take some time before we can get back on our feet.

I really apologize for the trouble, but it's the harsh reality. Be sure that you'll hear from us as soon as we have a proper new shop. I refuse to let those guys win...


2024-08-06 13:00:14 +0000