Daily Sayori July 2024 Part 2

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Continuing where we left off from the first part, here is the rest of the July 2024 illustrations I made over the past few weeks.

Here are quick summaries for each one.
Day 164: Sayori up late at night typing up a storm.
Day 165: Sayori trying on a cat shirt which looks similar to Natsuki's day to day shirt.
Day 166: Sayori learning some witchcraft.
Day 167: Sayori protecting Natsuki.
Day 168: A challenge where I draw Sayori on Paint.net without using any aliased rendering.
Day 169: Sayori decorating a flower pot.
Day 170: Sayori wings to the sky in Bob-omb Battlefield.
Day 171: Sayori discovers that the cookie jar is empty.
Day 172: Sayori finds herself in some sort of cell.
Day 173: A possible introduction of a new character in the Daily Sayori lineup.
Day 174: A challenge where I draw Sayori with the outlines being twice the normal size I'm used to.
Day 175: Sayori finds a Yuri that isn't quite Yuri.
Day 176: Detective Sayori asks Yuri some about the spill.

And that's all I have for the time being. See you guys next time for August. Bye folks!


2024-08-01 06:49:13 +0000