2025 GAF テーマの発表

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At the end of this year, GAF, as always, awaits everyone in Guangzhou to celebrate the New Year with art. This occasion also signifies the commencement of GAF's "fourth year." We cordially invite friends from all over to join us, where we can gather and nurture the growth of illustration art towards the sunshine, together witnessing the boundless potential of this vibrant art form!

今年年底,GAF 一如既往在广州等着大家艺术跨年,迎接新一年的时刻也是进入到 GAF 的“第四年”,欢迎各方朋友加入我们,聚在一起让插画艺术向阳生长,共同见证插画艺术的无限可能!


2024-07-31 10:31:36 +0000