The name follows Western rather than Chinese naming conventions, so Lailing is the given name, while Lau is her surname.
Planned CV: Nana Mizuki
Lailing's family had a long history of serving in the Hong Kong Public Security Force (the rebranded HKPF in the Orbian Academy universe), be it as a patrolman or all the way to deputy commissioner, which her grandfather was. As such, since she was young, Lailing already knew what her future career path would be.
Lailing performed well as a police cadet in school, and while she seemed certain to be fast tracked to the PubSec Force due to her ties, Lailing often had to fight off rumors due to her family ties. While she still wanted to serve in the Force, her parents managed to pull strings to have her complete her education at Orbian Academy for multiple reasons. First, to get her away from the rumor mill. Second, the HK PubSec is also interested in powersuit technology for their special forces division, and having an insider learn some secrets would hasten development.
Lailing can come off as aloof and cold, but her sense of justice is genuine. Due to a past incident, Lailing has developed a dislike of being suddenly touched (especially her boobs), and doing so usually has the person put in an arm lock, or a swift kick. However, those close to her have alluded to a goofy side to her, something Lailing vehemently denies. It is up to you the player to find out whether there is weight to those remarks.
Lailing is my character.
2024-07-30 03:39:21 +0000