Shooting stars of freedom


Description: The very well known nation of liberty; United state of America, you seen stuff from USA a lot in media. Sadly the USA isn't always full of freedom through out nation history such slavery, racial segregation, stolen indigenous land and resourse and more but however there is freedom in USA they have achieved such abolishing slavery, abolishing racial segregation, women rights, further Introducing human rights and more. Keep going America!, keep fighting for freedom and improve the nation into true liberty.

Journel: Late 4th of july art.


Please refrain from leaving creepy perverted NSFW, use my past mistakes against me and hateful (prejiduce) comments.
There be no tolerance of condemed and harresment, They make me uncomfortable and will be removed.
[!CAUTION]! Otherwise, beast unleashed (aka go nuts).

If any problem?, please calm down and touch grass to think before you act. Try to be polite and calm, adress the problem, the reason about the problem, express the feeling and solution advice that will help me improve. I want to stay pacifist and don't want drama, shame, witchhunted and get cancelled culture.


2024-07-27 14:41:46 +0000