リリカルなのはOC: ロエル アークエンジェルストライカー

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Anime: Lyrical Nanoha OC (Lyrical Nanoha CrossoverS)
Character: Rowel Angelheart (Archangel Striker form)
Made by: Roy Entendez

Paint dot net of the new Lyrical Nanoha original character: Rowel Angelheart in his Archangel Striker as his super form from the Archangel Way Spell Card. Rowel gains a form that is stronger than his Angelic Moonlord form and is usually his last form before his final form: Tyrael Striker Form. Often, this form is usually more powerful iteration of his Advent Striker or Angelic Moonlord forms, he obtained this form after Kirito's Elucidator was turned into a spell card.

#Lyrical Nanoha#original#boy#ロエル#swordsman#magical boy#中間フォーム#アークエンジェル

2024-07-22 08:45:10 +0000