MorphMan モーフマン


Made from the same technology used to develop the Mega Buster’s ability to copy weapons and Rush’s different forms, MorphMan is a Robot Master who mysteriously appeared after a shipment of one of the metals used in this type of research was stolen. His body is made of a gel-like metal which allows him to change shape and transform into other robots. He can almost perfectly replicate other robot master abilities to the point where he can sometimes forget who he really is. Since he likes to remain anonymous and mysterious there are many rumors circulating about him. Some say he has no weakness, some say he is weak to everything, some even say he was made to be a clone of Dr. Wily’s Yellow Devil. However the only weapon of his own he uses is a simple gatling buster that he likes to fire as a surprise attack after confusing his target using another form.

Weapon: Morph Node
Good Point: Versatile
Bad Point: Multiple Personalities
Likes: Spy Movies
Dislikes: Mirrors
Stage: Unknown
Manufacturer: Unknown
“Who do you think I am!?”


2024-07-14 13:00:02 +0000