TripleMan トリプルマン


TripleMan was designed with a super fast central processing unit inside his head. With his outstanding calculation abilities, he worked as a helper with mathematicians, scientists and architects. Of all the branches of mathematics, his favorite is trigonometry. He used to get bullied because of how much of a nerd he was. When modified for combat, he was given the ability to create two other clones of himself to attack and overwhelm opponents. Using his superior processing power, he has no trouble controlling both his clones independently as well as jumping into the fray himself to attack as a trio. Even if he can recreate his clones when they get taken down, his clones never wander too far from their origin. Because of the bullying he faced before, this new ability to clone himself and intimidate his opponents has made him extremely arrogant and a bit of a lunatic.

Weapon: Triple Option
Good Point: Super Brainy
Bad Point: Arrogant
Likes: The Number 3
Dislikes: Bullies
Stage: Super Computer
Manufacturer: NETIL Super Data Center
“Ugh! Try to approach this from another angle!”


2024-07-14 12:53:29 +0000