MantisMan マンティスマン


Originally built as a protector of the forests and plant life from those who would do them harm, Mantis Man prides himself on his efficiency with his duties. The two razor sharp blades on his wrists can slice through most things, which he uses to great effect in defending his territory. His two eyes on the sides of his head allow him nearly perfect, full 3-dimensional vision, making it incredibly difficult to sneak up on him without being noticed. This is made more difficult as his antennae allow motion sensory detection. The materials used in his construction are lightweight, allowing him swift movement, while also being durable enough to take a few hits to retaliate. The wings on his back, combined with his lightweight design, give him some flight capabilities. If he ever finds himself in an overwhelming situation, he can create an illusion of himself while he sets up another attack. His blades can also detach and be used at a range in aiding in his escape. His energy systems are unoptimized, giving him a voracious appetite when it comes to replenishing his fuel supplies. The side effect of this is that he will take whatever type of energy source he can to recharge.

Weapon: Mantis Cutter
Good Point: Perceptive
Bad Point: Voracious
Likes: Praying
Dislikes: Deforestation
Stage: Rainforest Solar Power Plant
Manufacturer: Noah’s ARC (Advanced Research Center)
“One slight move and I’ll swiftly cut you to pieces!”

Concept by AltimaMantoid


2024-07-14 12:44:57 +0000