Edd Squashed By A Volleyball!

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Here is a commission I bought from TvCrip05 earlier in the year. ^^

The mean beach bullies from Surf & Turf Wars challenged Edd to a volleyball rematch!

Seems they packed and stuffed that volleyball with some extra rubber. Because it crushed and shrank Edd down to a tiny short little goomba-fied pancake! >w<

(He got bonked real good)

Edd had his hands held out, preparing to catch the volleyball, when the leader of the beach bullies threw it very hard at him! (Edd is sweating because he knows it's coming fast, and notices the ball looks bigger than usual)


The volleyball smashed him square on the top of his head! Caving in, and crushing his DIR bucket hat completely. (The hat

didn't offer his head any protection from the smashing blow!)

The sudden impact of the heavy volleyball hitting him on the head made him shrink, and his body was compressed and compacted into his feet! (Making his soles and toes really expand and stick out)

As his feet fwoomped out, his bulging toes blew off the tops of his sandals!

Poor flattened Edd is squirming around helplessly under the heft of the big heavy volleyball still sinking down on his head! (The ball is continuing to shrink, squish, and smush him out the longer it stays on his head.) He's shuffling around anxiously, as his tongue and eyes are bulging out. (And he's going "Blep!")

The beach bullies are just standing back and laughing at Edd while he's a tiny, flattened, mushy, big-footed shortstack! (They are laughing at how little he is, how silly his flattened face looks, how his smashed feet are bulging out, and how he's struggling to spring back up!)

Awwww. Poor Edd! He's super short and tiny now! All because a big heavy volleyball bonked him in the head!

(Look at the major height difference between the 1st panel, and the 2nd. He's squashed so small now!)

As always, he doesn't need to worry for long, as I can hug and squeeze him back to normal. 💚💚💚

(His smashed hat and sandals might be flattened beyond repair tho)


2024-07-14 03:28:15 +0000