Eid'al Adha with Artemis 4


Well, this artwork were created one day before Eid holiday session, I have posted it on DA in that day. But since, I just used Pixiv platform by now, I upload it as the Eid had been finished many weeks ago.

I drew all my Artemis 4 crew characters celebrating Holiday season of Eid! Do you know, one of the crew who's named Fatmawati Hidayat who has lilac stripes is a Muslim? She's probably persuading her friends to celebrate Eid together ;)

Let's say, it was Fatma's idea. Since they are miles away from home, Fatma misses celebrating Eid holiday with her friends and family in Jakarta. But for her, her crewmates are like her family. So, she persuaded them to join Eid together, and she convinced them that they don't have to be Muslim to cherish the Eid joyfully. So, Fatma made lantern crafts and decorated the lunar landscape to make vibrant atmosphere. I know... I know... flames won't work in zero gravity environment. But hey, they can use electrically lights anyway.

Honestly, I did draw all the astronauts during Ramadhan but that time I was celebrating Eid'l Fitr to my family so I didn't have any change to combine them into one and made background. Hope you like it!


イードのホリデーシーズンを祝って、アルテミス4のクルーのキャラクター全員を描いたんだ!クルーの一人、ファトマワティ・ヒダヤット(Fatmawati Hidayat)という名前のライラック色の縞模様の女性はイスラム教徒なんだ。彼女はおそらく、イードを一緒に祝おうと友達を説得しているのだろう ;)
仮にファトマのアイデアだとしよう。家から何マイルも離れているため、ファトマはジャカルタの友人や家族とイードの祝日を祝えないのが寂しい。しかし彼女にとって、クルー仲間は家族のようなものだ。そこで彼女は、イードに一緒に参加するよう彼らを説得し、イードを楽しく祝うのにムスリムである必要はないと説得した。そこでファトマはランタン細工を作り、月の風景を飾り付け、活気ある雰囲気にした。わかってる... 無重力の環境では炎は使えない。でもね、どうせなら電気ライトを使おうよ。


#astronaut#NASAエイリアンズ#originalcharacters#spacesuit#a7l#space suit#astronaut#eid

2024-07-01 03:59:52 +0000