Pride 2024: Springer by NoahWave


She would rather eat cake! Or even better, spicy fries!

Yeah Sophie's not into any of that "sex" stuff you hear about; she's got more important things to do, like make music, play video games, and kick supervillain ass! The way to her heart isn't by promising to get into her pants, but by promising to fill her stomach, or by giving her a rock-adjacent punkpop earworm to vibe to on repeat for hours at a time. She's aware that thanks to celebrity Bendies like Phoebe Lexton, there is a certain association between a stretchy body and a promiscuous or exhibitionist lifestyle, and that does give her a lot of anxiety about how people perceive her, especially since being a woman already comes with a lot of casual objectification, even for someone "not stereotypically attractive" like Sophie. However, Sophie is coming to terms with the fact that she can't change any of this, and she can't let that stop her from being who she is! did a fantastic job on this 3/4 comm! I think he banged out one of the best examples of his style and execution, and it's wonderful to have such excellent work represent my primary OC! : D

Hope you enjoy!

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2024-06-30 19:45:02 +0000