Liora (New OC)

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My new OC Liora for a new Idea of Storys.

Name: Liora
Age: 19
Eye color: blue
Hair color: pink
- Ayana (Mother)
- Romano (Father)
- Lulu (Big sister - 22 years old)
Weapon: The celestial Sword
Magic: Magic of Forest and nature

Liora is a 19 years old elfgirl from the Clan of the Forest elfs and begins her First Adventure. Her weapon is the celestial Sword, which was build by the two celestial Gods of Creation called Uranos (Father Cosmos) and Gaia (Mother Nature). She search her big sister Lulu, which was lost two years ago after she became a Slave of Su'rukh, the God of Slime...

Her First Adventure called ,,Liora's Adventures: Adventure in the dark mud Labyrinth" and it will coming Out in Octobery 2024.

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2024-06-30 15:03:17 +0000