It‘s end of world as we know it


Pretty old stuff,no expectation of any goal,mostly just for draw more attention by any chance.

As for the drama,this is the event when the Ares campaign taken place. Kondo Houka attempt to rescure Col. Sakamoto Mio from state that is being assimilated by alien, and unintentionally (acutually the scheme of Gen Minna Wilcke and brotherhood of NOD) trigger the progress toward the "judgement day", as the "threshold" being open, twisted vision can be seen all over the world, suggesting a "vacuum phase transition" is imminent, the door of world's beginning and the end.
This is where the sight of anomaly combine with the cityscape of Moscow.

#StarFestival2024#scenery#oil painting#梵高#Moscow#Command & Conquer#红色警戒#russia

2024-06-30 06:22:19 +0000