I should've posted it this Jun.5th, which was 2 weeks ago, &I did so at Twitter: http://twitter.com/Zane_III_Ren/status/1798205606060278089
. However, I forgot to do so at every other websites including Pixiv, stoppin'my weekly postin'at 92 weeks. I feel so depressed. In order not to break it again, I'll move all my planned postin'to weekdays so that everyone of U can remind me if I forget to post 1 week.(If U find me not posting anything for a week before Saturday, ping me to do so!) But there'll be an exception toyear: this Aug.4th, ⑦month1st of Chinese calendar, which's a Sunday. It's 阿求's 30th birthday in Chinese calendar&I dont wanna miss it. That's all. THX U if U'll remind me to post weekly!
2024-06-18 12:53:49 +0000