

本編第4話「WHAT WILL BE, WILL BE」で、ミリちゃんの保育園用品買い出し(1回目)の時、自分達にも服を新たに買っていたかと思うのですが、本編に実際に試着しているシーンとかは無く、あったらこんな感じかな…と。


In the 4th episode of the main series, "WHAT WILL BE, WILL BE", I think they bought new clothes for themselves when they went shopping for Miri's nursery supplies (the 1st time), but there is no scene of them actually trying on the clothes in the main series...if there was, it would look something like this...

That's the kind of scribble I'm looking for.

#BuddyDaddies#Buddy Daddies#doodle#Kurusu Kazuki#Suwa Rei

2024-06-17 04:02:19 +0000