○○ 「あわわわぁぁ・・・。部屋が綺麗になってる!見せたくない本が本棚に綺麗に並んでいる!」
サビ猫 「母ちゃんのサプライズに感謝感激雨あられだな、よかったよかった!」
○○ 「いいわけあるか!本棚に並んでいるのは成人向けの本だよ?親兄弟に見せられないの!」
サビ猫 「安心しろ!お前の書いた小説は俺が母ちゃんに読めないように、わざと原稿に狸寝入りで手を出せなくしておいたぞ!」
○○ 「で、でかした!あれを家族に見られたら何度死んでも死にきれない!」
サビ猫 「そりゃ、少年達があれしていたら嫉妬した少女に間接的とはいえ殺される話だからな、どこにでもある設定でおかしいんだよ。独りよがりで世間には見せられない」
○○ 「!?、読んだの!?酷い!」><
サビ猫 「もう、そういうのいいから。そういうのが嫌ならパソコン買った方がいい」^^
○○ 「キーボードとか面倒で嫌なの!」><
サビ猫 「ダメだこりゃ」」^^
A girl's room and a tortoiseshell cat
○○: "Oh my... My room is so clean! The books I don't want you to see are all neatly lined up on the bookshelf!"
Sabi-neko: "I'm so grateful for Mom's surprise, it's a total relief!"
○○: "What excuse do you have? The books lined up on the bookshelf are for adults. I can't show them to my parents and siblings!"
Sabi-neko: "Don't worry! I pretended to be asleep so Mom couldn't read the novel you wrote, so I purposely made sure you couldn't get your hands on the manuscript!"
○○: "So, you did it! That's it! If my family saw me doing that, I would never be able to die no matter how many times I die!"
Sabineko: "Well, it's a story about boys doing that and then being killed, even if indirectly, by a jealous girl, so it's a common setting and it's weird. It's self-centered and I can't show it to the world."
○○: "!? You read it!? That's terrible!" > <
Sabineko: "I don't care about that anymore. If you don't like that, you should buy a computer." ^^
○○: "I hate keyboards and stuff!" > <
Sabineko: "This is no good" ^^
2024-06-12 11:56:11 +0000