That Guy


No sense trying to deny he's the 'can't legally use Godzilla so let's rework some stuff' guy. This one falls strictly in the anti-hero side of the equation, just about indifferent to collateral damage and quick to knock aside anyone trying to interfere, yet ultimately necessary to any serious attempt to thwart the meteorite monster horde. Back in the day I was just shooting for a sort of armored warrior look with his accessories but the world's lore came into being as I worked on it and he was going to need some change, fortunately I was able to work out a way to not need to change the design too much, there's a little Monsterverse Godzilla thrown into the front to try and give it some detail, though I'll probably make it a little more elaborate in the future to make it look a little less like just abs.
I even figured out how to work in a nod to the very first designs when I was considering a Zilla-like posture to him, in this case reflecting his original appearance in the distant past. Trying to make that image look like some sort of giant cave painting was kind of fun, though I'm not sure how well I managed to convey the idea that what's presented here is a picture taken of an image projected on a crystal display, since even the best hidden caves haven't lasted tens of millions of years I'm sure, so the Talanticans have to share their records of their ancestor's efforts.
The story has the main characters encounter this guy about the time a Navy crew of the last big warship is brought in as side characters and because of the grudge there the characters all know him by some sinister name, but when his true nature is revealed the characters name him something else to reflect that he's not an evil being.

The placeholder names for the documents are ... Thanotaurus to Gaiasaurus... I need help with names people, please.


2024-06-10 13:05:21 +0000