

サビ猫 「寒いね?寒いでしょ?泳ぐとか無理でしょ?いっぱい叫んだしやめなよ?服着ようよ」
○○ 「温暖化でも流石に6月の海は寒いか、行けると思ったんだけどなぁ」
サビ猫 「上る朝日に背中を向けて家に帰れば朝ご飯美味しいよ?」
○○ 「△△に謝れってか?嫌だね!絶対に!」
サビ猫 「長年一緒に住んでると行き違いもあるよ、早く服着て帰ろうよ?」
○○ 「・・・。うんそうだな、頭も冷えたし体も冷えたから帰るか!」

警官1 「ちょっと、あなた裸で立って何やってるの、言われたことに答えてね!?」
○○ 「ふ、夫婦げんかして、猫と泳ぎに来ていました。なんでもないです、なんでもないです!」
警官2 「それとさ、猫に向かって喋ってたけど、なにかやってる?」
○○ 「何もしていません!泳ごうとしていただけです!本当です!な!?」
サビ猫 「・・・・・・・・。」
○○ 「嫌なことがあると猫に話を聞いて貰っていたんです!本当です!(俺だけしかこいつと喋れなかったんだ、困ったなぁ)」

警官1 「とりあえず服着てください、そしたらパトカーに乗ってくださいね」
サビ猫 「よかったね!おまわりさんに送ってもらえるよ!」^^
○○ 「うるせぇ!ばか!」><
警官2 「なんだぁ!その態度は!警官侮辱罪で逮捕するぞ!?」
○○ 「いえ!違います独り言です!本当です!」
サビ猫 「だめだこりゃ」^^

Sabi cat and morning beach

Rusty cat: "It's cold, isn't it? It's cold, isn't it? You can't swim, right? You've yelled a lot, so why don't you stop? Let's put on some clothes."

○○: "Even with global warming, the sea is still cold in June, but I thought we could go."

Rusty cat: "If you turn your back to the rising sun and go home, breakfast will be delicious."

○○: "You want me to apologize to △△? No way! Absolutely!"

Rusty cat: "When you live together for many years, misunderstandings happen, so let's get dressed and go home."

○○: "...Yeah, I'm cold, my head is cold, and my body is cold, so let's go home!"

Police officer 1: "Hey, what are you doing standing there naked? Answer what you're told, okay?!"

○○: "I-I-I had a fight with my husband, and I came to swim with my cat. It's nothing, it's nothing!"

Police officer 2: "Hey, what are you doing standing there naked? Answer what you're told, okay?!"

○○: "I- ... "Also, you were talking to the cat, are you doing something?"

○○ "I didn't do anything! I was just trying to swim! Seriously! Right!?"

Rusty Cat "......"

○○ "Whenever something bothered me, I would talk to the cat! Seriously! (I was the only one who could talk to this guy, that's annoying)"

Police Officer 1 "Please put on some clothes, then get in the patrol car"

Rusty Cat "Great! The cops will give you a lift!" ^^

○○ "Shut up! Idiot!" ><
Police Officer 2 "What the hell! That attitude! I'm going to arrest you for insulting a police officer!"

○○ "No! I'm not talking to myself! Seriously!"

Rusty Cat "This is no good" ^^

AI-Generated #cat#〇〇#everyday life#△△#男の悲哀#サビ猫#police

2024-06-06 08:55:50 +0000