Finally, a long-overdue project to carry on with the Digimon card-making adventure that debuted some years ago with the Royal Knights set, followed by the Olympos XII. This time we delve into the depths of the Dark Area to pay tribute to its rulers, the Seven Great Demon Lords, the arch-nemesis of the Royal Knights. This car set features all seven Lords - Lucemon: Falldown Mode, Leviamon, Demon, Belphemon: Rage Mode, Barbamon, Beelzebumon, and Lilithmon, with a bonus Ogudomon Card in line with the tradition so far.
On a personal note, I feel like I've achieved the sweet spot when it comes to the art style and how I believe it shines the best in my eyes and hopefully in yours as well. Some elements carry on from previous sets - background, frame, lettering, etc. - to integrate the set into the bigger collection but you will notice even more detailing on the silhouettes this time around compared to the previous releases. It was a fine challenge to play around with negative space towards highlighting details that would make each Digimon recognizable and make it more intricate a design as a result. Upcoming Digimon sets should settle on this balanced degree of detail. On the other hand, this time around I've focused on a single color over a black background for utmost contrast, relying on the official colors for the Seven Seals.
2024-06-05 02:41:43 +0000