Super Baby Mia


Having taking over the boss of the Time Patrol, it took no time for the King of the Tuffles to convert the stronger warriors of this place. Gathering the best Elite Patrollers she has infected, Baby Mia became the vessel of their Super Saiyan Ki, her body transforming under the influence of her guest having taken place into her body.

Alongside her white hairs, her eyes became those of Baby, some strange shoulder pads yellow and red growing onto her top body, ripping off her clothes, to the point that it looked like a kind of futurist vest stuck to her skin. Her power level got an impressive upgrade, in this form Baby Mia could overwhelm Mia in her Super Saiyan 3 form ! Scared by her new appearence, the last Time Patrollers loyal to the Kai of Time have gathered, ready to kill their former partner.

"Come get me dear Patrollers, I have only cared for those filthy Saiyans among you. Face the wrath of the Queen of the Tuffles !!"

#dragonball#bodyswap#mtf#Baby (Dragonball)#brainwash#hypnosis#Possession#timepatrol#XENOVERSE#TSF

2024-05-29 23:20:20 +0000