Noirin Nozomi Reference Sheet 20


Something I started last year but only sat the time aside now to complete it. As part of my set of reference sheets for future potential projects I decided to make one for my Mithra Character in Final Fantasy XI. As I currently Main Warrior I also did her up in their Artifact Armor. This isn't an accurate in game set as I cross referenced in game images with some old Concept images SE has shown over the years for WAR's AF [most notably the knee pads and how the boots are structured] to get what we have here. I also took minor liberties with character shape since 11 models are built like brick houses.

Eventually I also added images for Ultimate Weapons. In this case I was only going to do Bravura but in the time it took me to finish this I also finished Ukonvasara so I did that too. I also finished Chango a couple weeks ago but I was far too late into this to want to add anything else. I Might scribble something for it in the Future. Absolutely Love this one.

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2024-05-29 02:14:34 +0000