I wanna see shunuki's kindergarten story. Ukitake is a teacher and kyoraku send his little niece nanao chan to that kindergarten. One day, he asked nanao chan about how the kindergarten was, she says "All kids are good friends and teacher is beautiful".
Kyoraku wonders, how much the teacher is beautiful, so that even my niece says that, especially he heard the teacher is a man with similar with kyoraku's age. So one day, he bring nanao chan to the kindergarten by himself and found the teacher ukitake - gentle, kind and beauty.
First impression that kyoraky had, as soon as he saw the teacher 'Oh man, I'm in trouble. I'll probably fall in love with him soon'. And ukitake was showing his gorgeous smile with friendly attitude as always he had done to other kids' guardians.
슌우키로 호정유치원 선생님 쥬시로랑 나나오짱네 학부모 슌스이
나나오한테 유치원 어땠어? 하고 물어보니까 "친구들은 착하고 선생님은 예뻐요."라고 해서 선생은 남자 아니였나? 하면서 궁금해져서 나나오 짱 데리고 올겸 유치원 방문하는 거... 그리고 슌스이는 나나오가 한 말이 진짜라는 걸 깨달았다(낄낄)
2024-05-28 19:04:12 +0000