Part-time world-class competitive artistic gymnast, team captain and university student and full-time lesbian; reintroducing the new main character introduced in the story I'm currently writing - Koushou-san :3
Shown wearing variations of her battlefield outfit, a university outfit and her gymnastics leotard, as well as an exercise outfit consisting of a front-zip sports bra and skirt with integrated shorts, she's now completely ready to cause the other main characters problems and turn one unsuspecting heiress to one of the nation's leading manufacturing companies into a sapphic 🙃
Unfortunately, this will be my last upload for a while, but for anybody who's stopped by to check out the characters from this series, I greatly thank you; hopefully I'll be delivering the next free GL action-adventure sci-fi story in the not-too-distant future 😌
2024-05-26 18:18:46 +0000