Our Fanbox Page for early access is here....
Our Ko-Fi Page for regular monthly commissions and our superhero-comics is here....
Been a while since we posted our Tournament ideas on Fanbox, hasn't it? ^^ Got a great new concept involving a Youtuber that's begging for feedback to anyone who can share it....
The link to our Pixiv is here~
Adam's Comments: Yeah, sorry folks; we kiiiinda weren't in the headspace for Daylight Park just now, but Fanbox subscribers should be happy because instead we have an OC Tournament picture! Anybody who wants a look can pop over to see, because we've very pleased with the results there. ^^
Pretty scatterbrained here but great response here. ^^ Kind of one of those pictures with more than one version, the full set of which will be on Pixiv....
We're Watamote fans so this was a fun one to get out; always nice to see Tomoko having a fun time reveling in something like this, even if it's at the expense of someone else. I think she just really wants someone to goof around and play Mario Kart with.
Martin's Comments: Yeah, this one's been sitting for a decent while now and just kind of felt like the right time to submit it. Daylight should be on the 19th; we had a script and stuff ready to go on the new one but thought it needed work and weren't really in the headspace to smooth it out so we decided to delay instead, sorry about that.
But yeah, not a crazy amount to say about this one but hope everyone enjoys. I should really watch Watamote again, been a long time.
2024-05-17 03:40:34 +0000