

This is my depiction of a demonic creature from the book "Rose of the world" by Daniil Andreev.
The creature is called Volgra and it resides in one of the lower demonic worlds, terrorizing the miserable gnome-like humans who live there
Here is how they are described: “The third torment of these unfortunates is fear. It is generated by the presence in Agra of other creatures, predators of a demonic nature: they are called volgras. When we approached the building that made up the dark etheric body of the Engineering Castle, I discerned a creature sitting motionless on its roof, huge, the size from a lizard of the Mesozoic era. It was female, baggy and loose, with gray, spongy skin. Forlornly pressing her cheek to the tower and hugging it with her right paw, the poor thing motionless looked in front of her with completely empty, as it seemed to me, eye sockets. She was deeply unhappy. In my opinion, she painfully wanted to scream or howl, but she had neither a mouth nor a jaw. However, the very feeling of pity for her could be fraught with danger: the crafty predator lay in wait for the victim, and anyone who was human could become a victim. In animal fear of the Volgra, the poor gnomes hid in the corners or crept, holding their breath, at the foot of the buildings favored by these monsters. To be devoured, or rather, sucked by the Volgra through its porous skin, meant to die in Agra, only to then appear even lower, in Bustwich or. in the terrible Rafag."

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2024-05-12 00:44:34 +0000