The end of one day, waiting for the dawn of another.
I was able to finish this job a long time ago and the only reason why I didn't is because I thought it wouldn't be worth it, I usually think of my work and my life as just worthless numbers that are completely replaceable, I still think about it often: I am someone strange who lives being miserable, dreaming of death coming for me;
And yet, for some reason that I don't know, there are people who tell me that: it's not like that, that I'm capable of more and that they like what I do, that it makes them sad to see me like this. So I want to believe for one occasion that it could be like this, that I can change and that the sun of my life will one day rise again, possibly I will fall back into sadness but at least the only thing I am good at is: Not giving up.
2024-05-05 22:51:36 +0000