リンダ 「何をしてるのかな・・・?」
玲奈 「急に背後から声かけないでよ。」
リンダ 「ははーん。また優さんに内緒でアバター作ってるな。あー、今回はナイトローズの衣装じゃないか、なかなかいいじゃないか。」
奏多 「リンダも知ってるんだね。ナイトローズ恰好いいよね。これはカジノシーンで着用してた服装なんだ。優に似合ってるって思って。」
リンダ 「ここの格闘シーンも凄かったよな。」
奏多 「定かじゃないけど、この映画監督が本当にあんな感じの乱闘シーンに居合せたことがあって、そのインスピレーションをもとにこの映画つくられてるって話だよ。」
玲奈 「ナイトローズの雰囲気って何だか優さんに似ている気がするんだよね。」
リンダ 「言われてみると確かに似てるな。・・・」(イヤ、まさかな)(心の声)
Night Rose (Yu Himesaki)
Linda - "What are you doing...?"
Rena and Kanata - "Caw!"
Rena - "Don't suddenly talk to me from behind."
Linda - "Haha. You're making avatars without telling Yu again. Ah, this time it's the Night Rose outfit, isn't it pretty nice?"
Explanation: Night Rose is the title of a popular movie within the world of "Myouka Gakuen Maid Section".
Kanata - "Linda knows it too, doesn't you? Night Rose is a nice outfit, isn't it? This is the outfit she wore in the casino scene. I thought it looked good on Yu."
Linda - "The fight scene here was great, wasn't it?"
Kanata "I'm not sure, but I heard that the director of this movie was once in a brawl scene like that, and that was the inspiration for this movie."
Rena: "I feel like the atmosphere of Night Rose is similar to Yu's."
Linda - "Now that you mention it, they certainly do look alike...."
(No, I don't think so.) (Voice from the heart)
I've uploaded the character in this costume to VRoidHUB, so please take a look there as well. The items used are also listed there.
I've uploaded a short video I made with varkshorts to twitter. Please take a look at it as well.
今回のvarkshorts動画は、上記キャプションに( 意図して作ったわけではないですがたまたま)ピッタリ合っていますので是非みてやって下さい。
This varkshorts video fits the above caption perfectly (not by design, but by luck), so please take a look.
2024-04-27 10:43:27 +0000