

虎縞灰猫 「何で遊んでるの?僕も遊ぶ!」
○○ 「畑のネギを植え替えてるの、齧ったり食べちゃダメだよ」
虎縞灰猫 「食べちゃダメなの?なんで?」
○○ 「ネギの成分がお前の体に悪いから食べると寿命が縮むか死ぬ」
虎縞灰猫 「こ、こわいなぁ」><

Green onion and tiger striped gray cat

Tiger-striped gray cat "Why are you playing? I'm playing too!"
○○ "I'm replanting the green onions in the field, so don't bite or eat them."
Tiger-striped gray cat "Can't you eat it? Why?"
○○ "The ingredients in green onions are bad for your body, so if you eat them, your lifespan will be shortened or you will die."
Tiger-striped gray cat “Wow, that’s scary” ><

AI-Generated #cat#〇〇#everyday life#虎縞灰猫#vegetables

2024-04-11 02:07:13 +0000