Arels Possession


This is Arel. She is an Antanai which are creatures out of one of my most developed universe and storys. I'm going to tell you fragments out of these Storys and you will stumble upon quite a handfull of characters and storys out of this Lore on my accounts ;D


Arel startled up. Her panic imbued mind couldn't process anything happening around her for a moment. When suddenly she began to shiver violently. A burning pain followed her neck upwards as she tried to look around. The only thing she could remember was that she had been with her comrades. But no one else was around. Bloody rags and bandages laid around her and the freezing feeling was interrupted by a weird warm and wet one going down her neck, her jaw her nostrils.
Suddenly something manifested itself right in front of her and before she could understand a weird feeling went through her whole body. Eyes burning, flesh crawling, blood flowing. An excessive surge of power embodied her. She remembered! They betrayed her! They murdered her! They left her for dead! Nilena...
The feeling was an amalgamation of power, hatred, pain, anger. So much anger! She would find her! She would take her! She would make her suffer! »what? What is happening! What am I thinking?« her mind intervened »Kill her! Kill them all! Slaughter anything! Torture everything!« her thoughts changed »No! What is…« the powerful feeling overwhelmed her, broke her and suddenly it changed into helplessness, loss of control. The frenzy vanished. A wave of Pain took over. Thousand horns stabbed her. Her blood started to boil. A firestorm went through her veins, her heart, her head, her mind! “They will pay… everyone will pay…!” she said in a voice she couldn’t remember…


2024-04-08 15:56:27 +0000