In a whirlwind of energy and exhilaration, Pokey emerges, reborn and resplendent in his nimbat-inspired ensemble. With a flourish, he secures the final piece of his transformation, delicately affixing the tusk-adorned mask, completing the ensemble with a whimsical elegance. Wings stretch triumphantly, catching the light in a dazzling display of newfound freedom, while ears perk with an infectious zeal, echoing the pulse of excitement in the room. With each graceful movement, Pokey revels in the culmination of his metamorphosis, a testament to the boundless creativity and unbridled joy that define the furry spirit.
The Second part of the Commission for Pokey-Antlers over on FA
Posted using PostyBirb
2024-04-04 04:27:22 +0000