Teen OG Ruffs


[Originally published to DeviantArt on Apr 7, 2020.]

[Original description]
A trace-over of the teenage Rowdyruff Boys from Season 5 Episode 08-B, The City of Clipsville. Major difference; They have their old Season 1 hairdos along with a few other minor changes like adding a chopstick in Butch's cowlick to make it more "Samurai Jack" like...

Decided to give Brick the long flowing hair of his revived self from the same season to go with his OG hair, it suits him and also shaped it to resemble Zero's hair from Megaman...

I'm not the best in completely copying background parts into vector format, bite me...

I like the OG Ruff's better than the newer ones of the classic 1998 series. Craig McCracken's Ruffs were characteristically and visually better than Randy Myers's Ruffs, personally speaking. Butch with the Vegeta mini-me just didn't seem fitting along with him less sane in the head. Brick being more selfishly stupid than a Blossom-like smartypants didn't work with less care to his own brothers, even though his long hair was a welcome addition despite the lack of the forward hair he once had. Boomer's new hairdo was nice all told, but why did they have to make him less focused and more stupid than before?

Original Series by Craig McCracken. Fan art by me.
[New description]
As per my lack of interest of the Rowdyruff Boys newer hairstyles of their resurrection I wondered what they would look like in the City of Clipsville episode if they kept their original hair and were teenagers during the teenager memory segment.

I personally wasn't that into the episode itself and later on scrapped it from my fanon series all-together. As for the boys hair styles upon age, that is rather irrelevant at this point.


2024-04-03 19:03:40 +0000