“Star Goblins: A Reflection”
The story begins with the story of a group of alien beings scattered all over planet earth. They are all aliens, known to Earthlings as "goblins." Despite coming from different places, they all have something in common in their origins. They all come from a planet that was destroyed by space piracy, and one of its last inhabitants must be sent away to start life on another planet.
In an effort to continue life, the capsule that was flown by the last inhabitant of the planet is expected to become a formidable explorer on planet earth. However, this capsule split into 12 parts and scattered all over the destination planet, Earth. Despite their worldwide distribution, they are still known as aliens or "goblins."
In the beginning, these goblins only lived in hidden places and were unknown to earthlings. However, as time went on, they began to mingle with humans and became the elite in society. However, not all of the goblins agree to re-merge into a single entity. A great war broke out between them, who had blended in with the humans and become elites. Those who live alone also grow and age in an untouched place.
The great war between the goblins made them destroy many areas of the earth. After the war was over, the remaining goblins decided to create a new place for them to live, namely Altaira.
2024-03-13 15:07:11 +0000