Yanma: Hyme-chan... here's a Repayment of Valentine Present for... you... *blushed*
Hymeno accepting a White Day Present from Yanma.
Hymeno: is this? for me, Yanma?
Yanma: I-i don't have any idea... what a right present for you... j-just open up later... *blushed*
Yanma leaving Hymeno with his Tsundere face.
Hymeno: huh?! *confused*
This for Pre-Timeskip Yanma/Tonbo Ohger 💙 gave a Repayment from Valentine Present to Pre-Timeskip Hymeno/Kamakiri Ohger 💛. although he's still in Tsundere...
2024-03-08 05:30:30 +0000